We All Worry About Our Kids

Banzai Falls Twin Rapids My daughter has asthma; the slightest sniffle or change in pollen count would trigger an episode until we learned how to use a steroid inhaler to prevent the cascade into coughing and wheezing. And yet, I still worry. I worry that she’s becoming allergic to our cats, that she’ll be on steroids forever, that going back to school will bring exposure to a new set of cold germs. And I confess,  my worries escalate. I worry that the craft jewelry-making kit she got for her birthday might contain lead, the plastic water bottle she got at camp has BPA,  the colorful pajamas she loves to wear have harmful dyes, and that she’ll break a tooth on her friend’s 10-foot Slip ‘n Slide (Okay, that last one really did happen— but it was just a chip!). CPSC

Fortunately, some of my worries can be laid to rest through the work of the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC), an independent agency of the U.S.  Government charged with protecting us from unreasonable risks of injury or death. I am amazed that this agency did not exist until 1972! Since then, the CPSC has been responsible for banning dangerous products— issuing recalls of unsafe products and researching potential hazards in consumer products.

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